Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pesticide and Herbicide: These are Invincible Opponent to Germs

If you place orchard or garden, be accustomed to pesticide (insecticide) and herbicide. Even though have features, they also have some functions in common. That is they may help your crop or plant grow better. Are you certain which you use it correctly? Why they may be so important? Tips provide you with a better solution.

Pesticide:Its function will advise you as to why it has to be used:

Stomach poisoning: this the fact that pests are killed by poisoning.Contact action: the pests are killed without eating the drug. In the event that the medical treatment is absorbed by pest's skin or pore, it will likely be killed. Fumigation action: this in essence means that the drug is absorbed by breathing system for the pest.Systemic action: some plants absorb the drug, and pests are killed during the day the toxic plants.

How to use:

You should use the different varieties of pesticides based on pest's type.

Please stay away from the exact same drug for a long time. The chances are it ends in drug resistance.

You will need to control the concentration of the drug. Don't make concentration excessive or lacking.

It's required by a person to do some protective measures. Some medicine is harmful to improve your health. Therefore, the mask and a couple of gloves also are recommended to help keep you safe throughout your working.

Herbicide:The weed is usually a killer. It possesses a negatively impact on hence of crop, for it absorbs the and nutrition of crop. On top of that, the weed contains some germs. The herbicide can be an invincible opponent to weed. They have allow you to get rid of the weed. In comparison with artificial weeding, their job efficiency of herbicide is higher. And also it saves the labourforce.

Some notices make sure you don't forget:

The temperature: rrt's going to impact the herbicide's function. It sometimes ends up in chemical injury. For example, used it under high or cold.

Light: some kinds of herbicides are fine well with the help of light. For example, the nitrofen.

The liquid: this also effects the function of the herbicide. Sometimes the herbicide is more efficient relating to the moist soil.

Utilize the pesticide and herbicide properly, your crop will be healthy. They possess a good function of preventability and treatment. To receive better effect, most people will mix the pesticide with herbicide. It is recommended not. In short, these are the good assistant in agriculture.

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